Variable | | Wave | File | Categories | Cross-wave |
dmhmth | CPQ:K22/NPQ:K19 Month moved to current address | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
daneab | K18 How well speaks English | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dlosat | K16 Satisfaction - How satisfied are you with your life | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dmhyr | CPQ:K22/NPQ:K19 Year moved to current address | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dheeonas | K13b Which ones? - Need ongoing assistance or supervision | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dlosathl | K15 Satisfaction - The home in which you live | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
danlote | K17 Speak language other than English | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dheeddif | K13a Because of the condition[s] you have told me about, do you currently have any difficulties with education, such as those listed on SHOWCARD K13? | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dheodif | K13b Which ones? - Other difficulties | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dheldif | K13b Which ones? - General learning difficulties | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dhelstud | K14a Would you like to be enrolled at school or undertaking further study? | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dlosateo | K15 Satisfaction - Your employment opportunities | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dlosatlc | K15 Satisfaction - Feeling part of your local community | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dlosatnl | K15 Satisfaction - The neighbourhood in which you live | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dlosatyh | K15 Satisfaction - Your health | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dheatsc | K13b Which ones? - Have to attend special classes / school | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dheedqua | K12 Are you currently attending school or enrolled in a course of study to obtain an educational qualification? | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dhenostu | K14b Are you not enrolled in an educational course because of the condition(s) you have told me about? | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dhereshr | K13b Which ones? - Restricted in the number of hours can study | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dlosatsf | K15 Satisfaction - How safe you feel | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dlosatft | K15 Satisfaction - The amount of free time you have | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dhecspeq | K13b Which ones? - Need special equipment, modified environment, or other special arrangements | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dhetosch | K13b Which ones? - Need additional time off school / study | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |
dlosatfs | K15 Satisfaction - Your financial situation | 4 | Responding Person File | details... | details ... |